Thursday, March 24, 2005

Baby Boom

I read an article some time ago about how difficult it is going to become for those of us from the post war baby boom. How in terms of real dollars, our spending power has decreased, how all of our things are wearing out as we use them. At first I was really scared; planned obsolescence catching up with us at last. What is going to happen to me?
I looked around at all the things laying before me, trinkets, souvenirs, reminders of times past and I thought of the trunk upstairs filed with more odds and ends of old memories. I realized that this was true, things were wearing out. The dish that I had treasured was now chipped, the broken statue had been glued together, grandmother's quilt which I treasured so had become stained through years of sitting unused in the cedar chest. And, what is going to happen to our car, that inexpendable symbol of American mobility? No matter how often we buy a new one, it becomes obsolete, worn out, used up in a few short years. Everything we have is going to fall apart and we won't have the resources to replace it. Is there anything worth holding on to? Anything which doesn't become obsolete? I had suddenly entered another valley of the shadow of death.
Then I remembered what the Lord said " Lay not up for your self treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt." It should be easier for those of us in this age of planned obsolescence to stop trying to hold on to any treasures. Our cars become obsolete, the minute the salesman gives us the key, this years color scheme always preempts last years, magazines are constantly telling us what's in and what's out.
Yet we still try to hold on to our earthly treasures while God offers us something more, something that has been tried and has not decayed. The centuries have not dimmed its worth. God's truth, His gospel, His glory has not diminished over the years. It is as new and exciting as it ever was and he offers it to us for free. It's inflation and recession proof and no one can take it away from us. He has promised his faithfulness to us forever
When it comes right down to it, most of the things I am afraid of losing are things which come between me and the Lord.
He promised he would take care of my needs, would even dress me as he does the lilies of the field. If so, then what am I afraid of losing? Prestige? Respect? That comes from God and not from man. My possessions? They aren't mine anyway, I'm just the caretaker. And even if I lost all I have, I would have more still than 80% of the world. My Pride? I could certainly stand to lose that. It always comes between me and the Lord.
So, I have nothing to fear. In fact, the only thing I should ever fear is that I would have fears. That proves that there is something in my life I'm holding on to instead of God.

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